Thanks for Applying to Picus Cyber Talent Academy

Your application to Picus Cyber Talent Academy has been completed and successfully sent to Picus.

Information About the Academy


The eligibility exam will be sent on January 7-8, 2023. Academy will run between January 9-29, 2023 (3 weeks).


Academy courses are online and 100% free. You can access them whenever you want, from wherever you want.

Apply to the Academy if you are

  • Interested in cybersecurity
  • Interested in working full-time in Picus
  • Living in Turkey
  • Proficient in English
  • 4th-year/MSc/PhD Student or Graduate

Get the chance to be hired by Picus

Get the chance to be hired by technical teams at Picus
  • Red Team
  • Blue Team
  • Technical Marketing
  • Technical Assistance Center

Prerequisite Courses

The scope of the eligibility exam is defined by the contents of the following Coursera courses:

Benefits of working at Picus

  • Work with a global and competent team
  • Build industry-leading products
  • Competitive USD-based salary
  • Stock option + annual bonus
  • Remote work
  • First-year leave